Alternative Dispute Resolution, Resolução Alternativa de Litígios (RAL) | Electronic Complaints Book (LRE) | Consumer notice

Alternative Resolution Entities in case of Disputes:

In accordance with Portuguese Law No. 144/2015, of September 8, 2015, we disclose all the Entities for Alternative Dispute Resolution that can be contacted in case of conflict, in the purchase of a product or service referenced in this website. It should be noted that, when necessary, this solution compared to the judicial route is usually faster, less procedural and less expensive. In this way, if you are dissatisfied and want to expose your situation, you can do so by contacting an Alternative Dispute Resolution Entity

Alternative Resolution Entities in case of Disputes:

Electronic Complaints Book (LRE)

In accordance with Law No. 74/2017, Article 5.º-B, in which suppliers of goods and service providers must disclose on their respective websites, in a visible and prominent place, access to the Digital Platform , we inform you that access to the Electronic Complaints Book must be made via the link: (ID ……….. | ASAE 6119)


It is declared that for legal purposes the owner of this website is:

G.J. Weber

Local accommodation Salinas Algarve

Rua Jose Maria de Padua 6

3Q (3rd floor) , 8700-292 Olhão,


Registration: 89726/AL
